“Let’s Draw a Story!“ (“Uzzīmēsim pasaku?“) is a picture book about going on a fun, whimsical adventure with your toddler - a sort of guide to making up a story as you go, drawing it, playing with objects and making a mess in the process! (published by “Liels un mazs“, Latvia, 2024)
Kate is a little girl who loves her grandfather very much. So much, in fact, that she wants to find a way to become more like him!
Latvian: 'Kate, kas gribēja kļūt par vectēvu’', written by Signe Viška, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, published by Liels un mazs, 2021
German: ‘Kati will Großvater werden‘, Atlantis, 2022
Czech: ‘O Kátě, která chtěla být dědečkem‘, ost, 2022
French: ‘La Petite fille qui voulait devenir grand-père’, Les 400 coups, 2023
Spanish: ‘Cati, la niña que quería ser abuelo‘, La Maleta Ediciones, 2023
A fun non-fiction book about marketing for kids. Travel the world of brands, influencers, product placements and other sneaky strategies with Vincent, Paul and the mysterious School Custodian!
German: ‘Ting! Wie Marketing die Welt verführt‘, written by Cary Steinmann and Laura Simon, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, published by Helvetiq (2020)
French: ‘Ting! Comment le marketing séduit le monde‘, written by Cary Steinmann and Laura Simon, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, published by Helvetiq (2020)
An animated feature film (released in 2019) based on the children's novel 'The Story of Maskačka' by Luīze Pastore. 'Maskačka' is what the inhabitants of Riga call one of the city's more infamous suburban areas, officially known as the Moscow District. Jacob, an architect's son who's spent all his life in the bustling city centre, suddenly finds himself living with his uncle Eagle and cousin Mimmi in, you guessed it, Maskačka. Needless to say, he doesn't get along with Mimmi - and he's scared to go outside and play. But little does he know he will soon get caught up in a series of bizarre events...
Latvian: 'Jēkabs, Mimmi un runājošie suņi', directed by Edmunds Jansons, produced by Sabīne Andersone, animation by Mārtiņš Dūmiņš, production design by Elīna Brasliņa, 'Atom Art ' studio, 2019.
Official site: https://www.talkingdogs.lv/
Also available in book form!
Latvian: ‘Runājošie suņi‘ (2019, Liels un mazs)
French: ‘Jacob, Mimi et les chiens parlants‘ (2021, La Pastèque)
A series of children’s books (6 titles so far!) by Luīze Pastore. Teo and Poga are two seemingly ordinary children who discover an unusual trick - the ability to "enter" paintings! This leads to a series of adventures involving missing monkeys, invisible men, people walking through walls, living statues, mysterious hermits, alternate realities, and, of course, a number of famous Latvian artists!
Latvian: 'Pazudušais pērtiķis', 'Neredzamais cilvēks', 'Svešinieka atnākšana', 'Operācija MASKA', 'Pēdējais ķēniņš', 'Bez nosaukuma', ‘Slepenā parole: Izlaušanās no pils’ written by Luīze Pastore, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, published by Neputns, 2015 - 2018
French: ‘A la recherche du singe perdu‘ (book 1), Editions courtes et longues, 2018
Lawrence Schimel has written two fun stories about children and pets - in ‘It’s Not Time for Play‘, the little girl’s dads end up chasing the dog all over the house right before bedtime, while in ‘Early in the Morning‘, the little boy and the cat fix themselves breakfast while his moms and sister are still asleep.
53 total editions
41 languages
Already published:
Belgium (Flemish): Kartonnen Dozen, 2018
Catalan: Egales, 2018
Croatia: Domino, 2018
Czech Republic: LePress, 2018
Latvia: Apgads Mansards, 2018
Spain: Egales, 2018
Galician: Capicua, 2020
Slovenia: Malinc, 2020
Switzerland (German): Dachverband Regenbogenfamilien, 2021
Switzerland (French): Association faîtière Familles arc-en-ciel, 2021
Switzerland (Italian): Federazione Famiglie Arcobaleno, 2021
Switzerland (Romansh): Associaziun tetgala da las famiglias artg en tschiel, 2021
Hungary: Szivárványcsaládokért Alapítvány, 2021
Russian (outside Russia): Quarteera, 2021
Russia: BF Sphere/Russian LGBT Network (Российская ЛГБТ-сеть), 2021
Canada (English): Orca, 2021
Canada (French): Orca, 2021
Welsh: Peniarth, 2021
UK (English): Peniarth, 2021
New Zealand & Australia (English): Oratia, 2021
Iceland: Samtökin '78, 2021
Slovakia: Literárna bašta, 2021
Poland: Fabryka Równości, 2021
Germany: 100% Mensch, 2022
Basque: La Maleta Ediciones, 2022
Luxembourg: Marc Angel, 2022
Brazil: Callis, 2022
Israel: Utz Books, 2022
Portugal: Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality/Opus Diversidades, 2022
Sweden: Olika Forlag, 2022
Belgium (bilingual Dutch/French): Forbidden Colours, 2022
South Africa (Afrikaans): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (isiXhosa): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (isiZulu): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Isindebele): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Sepedi): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Sesotho): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Setswana): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Siswati): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Tshivenda): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (Xitsonga): New Africa Publishers, 2023
South Africa (English): New Africa Publishers, 2023
Chile: Invertido Ediciones, 2023
US (English Braille): National Braille Press, 2023
Scots: Tippermuir Books, 2023
Scottish Gaelic: Tippermuir Books, 2023
Mozambique (Portuguese/English): Trinta Zero Nove, 2023
Mozambique (Portuguese/Makwa): Trinta Zero Nove, 2023
Mozambique (Portuguese/Sena): Trinta Zero Nove, 2023
Mozambique (Portuguese/Changana): Trinta Zero Nove, 2023
Mexico: Ateconqueso, 2023
Filipino: Adarna, 2023
Finnish/English: Reuma, 2024
Honors & Awards:
Winner of the 2023 Scots Bairns Book o the Year Award!
Winner of the 2022 Vitoria-Gasteiz Prize for Best Translation of a Children's Book into Basque!
Both chosen for the American Library Association 2023 Rainbow Book List!
Cecilia has always wanted to meet a dragon - but she’s not a princess, nor is she a goose girl, which seem to be the two types of characters that mostly attract these beasts in fairy tales. What should she do? A funny and educational story with strong female characters.
Portuguese: 'Cecilia e o dragao', written by Lawrence Schimel, illustrated by Elina Braslina, Callis Editora, 2019
Spanish: 'Ceclia y el dragon', Enlace Editorial, 2019
Have you ever experienced sorrow that swallows everything around you like a cloud of smoke? What can you do? You can wait for a thousand years until the black clouds go away, or you can do what the dog did...
Latvian: 'Suns, kurš atrada skumjas', written by R.B., illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, Liels un mazs', 2018
English: 'The Dog Who Found Sorrow', The Emma Press, 2018
Also available in Korean and Simplified Chinese
A quirky story about a brother and a sister who, each in their own way, try to live a greener lifestyle and fight against pollution. Duo-tone illustrations done in digitally imitated linocut!
Latvian: ‘Sikspārnis’, written by Māris Rungulis, illustrated by Elīna Brasliņa, Pētergailis, 2017
In this amazing collection of poems by Kate Wakeling you'll meet a curious cast of caracters - the Hamster Man, half-hamster, half-man,a dinosaur who lives in somebody's shed, Rita the Pirate, who fights hammerhead sharks, Skig the Viking Warrior, who's not all that keen on pillaging villages, and many, many more. ('Moon Juice', written by Kate Wakeling, published by 'The Emma Press', 2016. Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa)
What was your favorite book when you were a kid? For Mārtins, it was 'Robinson Crusoe'. When he steals a rowboat to impress Inese, the girl next door, both embark on a thrilling adventure - uninhabited islands, wild bears and elks, lonely old cottages inhabited by ghosts... Drama, romance and comedy, this book has it all! ('Sāļās pankūkas', written by Māris Rungulis, published by 'Pētergailis', 2015. Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa)
Daumants is a perfectly ordinary boy with a tragic story - both his parents died in a car crash. He lives with his grandma and has recently been transferred to a new school where everyone makes fun of him - except Ilze, who also a new student. Daumants soon learns to stand up for himself and even makes some new friends. ('Have a Nice Day: gandrīz mīlasstāsts', written by Juris Zvirgzdiņš, published by "Pētergailis". Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa)
Ieva Samauska has written a wonderful story full of kooky and lovable characters - Ukulele the talking cow, the adventurous Volson siblings and their eccentric granny, Hitchcock the greedy entrepreneur, not to mention the two devious hobos named Pelican and Pancake, and many others. I had a lot of fun drawing all of them! ('Govs uz bagāznieka', written by Ieva Samauska, published by 'Pētergailis', 2014. Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa)
This little book is part of the 'Bikibuks' collection - a series of illustrated poem books for children. The poem I chose is about a dirty wild boar who wants to get into a theme park and play with the other animals, but they won't let him because he's so dirty (and quite pig-headed too, since he refuses to take a bath!). Luckily everything works out in the end! ('Gaidītāja meža cūka', written by Māris Čaklais, published by 'Liels un mazs', 2014. Illustrations by Elīna Brasliņa)
This is the story of Daniel, an ordinary boy who’s getting a bit jealous of all the attention his baby brother is getting…Or is it the story of Bumpfizzle, an alien spy sent to scope out Earth and its inhabitants for some malicious reason? You’ll have to find out for yourself!
English: ‘Bumpfizzle the Best on Planet Earth‘, written by Patricia Forde, illustrated by Elīna Basliņa, Little Island Books, 2018